7 days to die crafting recipes
7 days to die crafting recipes

7 days to die crafting recipes

For example, when entering a Point of Interest, it is best to first search for a gazebo- High ground where you can see enemies ahead, while staying out of attack range. Perception constructs are often based on a strategic approach. After the explosion, make an entrance and eliminate the surviving enemies. For example, if you want to make a tactical entry, open a room door and throw a grenade. Grenades can also be used to clean a small room. Instead, lances should be used in confined spaces.Įxplosives should be used at a careful distance, or used in a timely manner to allow yourself to escape the blast radius. When at close range, snipers are more difficult to use, especially if they are equipped with scopes. Perception constructions are seen Long-range combat, eliminating enemies from a distance.

  • Rescue devices for resources General play style.
  • Eliminate high health targets with sniper rifles.
  • Synergy of benefits: Agility (see Skill Tree Synergy under)

    7 days to die crafting recipes

    Perception can be increased one level for free with Shades, a rare item of clothing. Levels 2-5 cost one point, levels 6-8 cost two, and levels 9-10 cost three. Dismemberment chance starts at 5% and each level increases by + 5%, up to a maximum of 50% at level 10.Īs Perception level increases, so does the number of skill points required. Headshot damage starts at 200% and each level increases it by + 10% (+ 15% for levels 9 and 10), up to a maximum of + 300% at level 10. As the Perception tree is leveled up, headshot damage increases and the chance for rifles, explosives, and spears to be dismembered. Out of action, the Perception Skilltree helps picking locks, avoiding traps, rescuing, tracking animals and getting the best of the loot. Perception is built quickly remove individual targetsWhile clearing hordes with explosives and penetrating shots. The Perception Skill Tree focuses on precision shots and high damageWhile keeping a safe distance away from enemies.

    7 days to die crafting recipes